A New Year’s Resolution in 2015 You Should Have


2011-year-resolution-400x400The great thing about new days, new months, or especially new years is that chance we have to start again.  If you’ve fallen down, you have a chance to get up again.  If you’ve had a victory, you get a chance to go even higher!  (And not rest on “the win” long enough to lose humility 😉 )

Former baseball All-Star Todd Helton was asked once how it felt having to play 162 games of baseball every year.  He responded that it helped when you screwed up because he knew he would have another game the next day and a chance to redeem himself.

I think that’s a big reason why God made 24 hour days.  There is always a new sunrise to help dry away tears from the day before.

And new “years” are great points in time to really take stock of our lives; to hold up a mirror to ourselves and ask certain hard questions about:

* faith

* career

* health & fitness

* habits

* family 

Having turned 48 in 2014 I feel like I’m at the point of the roller coaster where you’ve just reached the top of the hill and have begun the acceleration on the other side. (and I know this because I swear 2014 just sped right by)  So I’ve been looking at each of those categories a LOT more closely.

But honestly I have very few “resolutions”. Sure, I’m in a couple “work out” programs to help with health and yes, I’m committed to try and grow this blog in 2015 and write more books that help others in their faith and walk with God…

…but they are really not resolutions.


If I have a resolution for 2015 it is this:

To be even more proactive in surrounding myself with people that make me smile!

I have come to learn that certain people just make me smile.  Not always the “laugh out loud” funny smile but the kind of joy that makes my spirit smile!

I used to live in a world where I divided people up into “Christian” and “non-Christian”.  You were supposed to hang out with Christians and interact with non-Christians with the mission to make them “Christian”.

The problem with that (among many) is that I have found that “Christian / non-Christian” dichotomy had nothing to do with whether a person made me smile or not.  When someone makes your spirit smile, you are always just a little sad when they have left the room.  Unfortunately I’ve known too many Christians that made my spirit happy when they, …um… departed.

There were lots of followers of God in the Bible and he loved them all… but King David made God smile! (Acts 13:22)  David was not perfect, in fact he could do some pretty nasty things.  But he had a song on his lips, a spring in his step, and an outlook on life that made the Creator of the Universe smile!

I want to live a life that makes my Father in Heaven...smile!  I’ve learned that being around people that make me smile help me to be the person that can make other people…and God…smile!

So my resolution in 2015 is to spend more time with people who make me smile…

…and it should be yours as well!

Peace in 2015,






1 comment

  • I am smiling

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