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Books / In Memorium

Goodbye to my friend Jackie

By Steve on December 4, 2010

Yesterday a friend of mine passed away.  Typically in this blog I’ve noted the passing of famous celebrities… but not today.  Jackie Bruce may have not been a celebrity, but to me and my family,…

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Baseball / In Memorium

Good Bye Ernie

By Steve on May 9, 2010

I had tears this week! I came home from a two week trip to Turkey to discover that famed Detroit Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell had succumbed to a year long battle of cancer. When the…

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Film / In Memorium

In Memorium: John Hughes

By Steve on August 8, 2009

I’m a product of the 80’s! When the decade started I was 13 years old and when it was finished I was 23. During those years the movies of John Hughes were hugely impactful and…

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G.O.P. / In Memorium / Politics

Goodbye Mr. Kemp

By Steve on May 4, 2009

Former Congressman, HUD Secretary, and 1996 GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Jack Kemp passed away on Sat. of cancer surrounded at his bedside with both family and minister. For many of us who were politically honed in…

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Baseball / In Memorium

Mark “The Bird” Fydrich

By Steve on April 14, 2009

I woke this morning to hear of the tragic, premature death of former Detroit Tiger Rookie of the Year Mark “The Bird” Fidrych. The 54 year old Fidrych was found dead while apparently working on…