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TED 2013, Allan Savory… and Genesis!

By Steve on March 13, 2013

If you’re like me you are probably familiar with TED.  The series of conferences where leading figures give short 20 minute talks in fields as diverse as science, politics, religion, and media.  The talks themselves…

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7 “Proofs” That God Exists!

By Steve on February 10, 2013

In Brian Zahnd’s book “Beauty Will Save the World” Zahnd suggests that Christianity has lost much of its shine and beauty in its endless pursuit of: Apologetics: Defending Christianity and attempting to “prove” God Ethics: Christians…

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All You Need Is Love…but

By Steve on January 29, 2013

One day a group guys are listening to Jesus teach and a lawyer (yes it was a lawyer) asked him a question. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “‘You…